The complete ketogenic diet for beginners your essential guide to living the keto lifestyle

The Keto lifestyle is trending now. Some people fail to achieve benefits from the keto diet and some people are beginners. Both of them need a complete guide to the keto lifestyle.

So, here we are sharing The complete ketogenic diet for beginners Your essential guide to living the keto lifestyle. Ketogenic Diet refers to – A diet that contains high fat and low carbohydrates (sugars).

The complete ketogenic diet for beginners your essential guide to living the keto lifestyle

The complete ketogenic diet for beginners your essential guide to living the keto lifestyle
The complete ketogenic diet for beginners your essential guide to living the keto lifestyle

Previously we have written about what the ketogenic diet is. Here we will share The complete ketogenic diet for beginners.

The Keto diet induces the body to break down fat into molecules. The molecules are called ketones. Ketones circulate in the blood. It evolves as the primary energy source for many cells in our body.

The Keto Diet Principles for Beginners

To begin the Keto diet beginners must follow some rules and need stick to them. They should maintain a food journal.

The Keto Diet Principles for Beginners
The Keto Diet Principles for Beginners

Because the central part of the ketogenic diet is maintaining food habits. Let us discuss other important tips that keto beginners need.

  1. Know the Food choices on the Ketogenic diet

According to New York City-based dietitian Kristen Mancinelli, RD, author of The Ketogenic Diet, you need to cut off carbohydrates severely. Start off with 20gm to 30 gms of protein per day.

To consider the right food for yourself, you need the knowledge of which food contains how much carbs, protein, and fats. Decrease carbs and consume more protein. It is not easy. Eating only veggies and cutting off junk food does not make sense in this case.

Because vegetables like Beans have protein but it is high in carbohydrate. So, you need to select food wisely. You need portion food that satisfies your goal. Few foods like meat, olive oil, and pure butter contain protein without carbs.

To get essential nutrients, vitamins, and minerals start eating vegetables such as – kale, spinach, mushrooms, asparagus, etc. Try to consume whole foods also.

2. Consume healthy Fats

Most people think that fat is unhealthy for our bodies. But some research showed that replacing saturated fat with polyunsaturated fat is essential.

It proves that fat is necessary but only healthy fat. Replace potatoes and rice with nonstarchy vegetables. Eat cottage cheese,

Plain grilled chicken will not provide healthy fat. Gradually cut out the carbohydrate and replace them with healthy fat. Use olive oil and avocado oil as cooking oil to cook your food.

3. Reduce Stress

If you want to begin the Keto diet, you must start after reducing stress. Because a high level of the stress hormone cortisol can increase your blood sugar level.

If you are leading a stressful life, then start exercising, meditating, and take a sound sleep. Stay relaxed and start the keto diet.

4. Increase your Home Cooking skill

Check keto websites or keto books. Find out some keto recipes which include your favorite foods.

Try to cook those at your home. In this way, you can increase your home cooking skill. Hence, you can easily avoid a high-carb diet and consume a high-protein diet.

5. Increase Workout

While you doing the keto diet increase doing workouts. It will help you acquire ketosis and transition into a low-carb and high-fat diet fast.

Besides, you can achieve the weight loss goal easily with an increasing level of exercise with a healthy diet. You require to lose glucose to gain Ketosis to transform the fat into energy.

6. Drink a lot of water

Water is essential for health. In spite of this, water helps in metabolism. It maintains healthy body function. If you are on a keto diet and you are not intaking enough water, you may lead to constipation, dizziness, and weakness. Stay hydrated and drink at least 3 ltr of water daily. If you have increased exercise then increase the intake of water.

7. Maintain diet outside

Doing keto does not mean that you can not go outside. You can still maintain your keto diet and life even after going outside for lunch or dinner.

Check the nutrition bar of the restaurant where you are planning to eat. Order meat, veggies, and salad instead of high-carb fried foods. Try to eat butter, yellow mustard sauce instead ketchup, and BBQ sauce.

So, these are the basic principles of the keto diet for beginners. In the following, we will share the complete ketogenic diet elaborately. Scroll down to read What can you eat on a keto diet?

What can you eat on a keto diet?

The main motto of the keto diet is, to consume high-protein and low-carb food.

What can you eat on a keto diet?
What can you eat on a keto diet?


Proteins can be obtained from many foods. We can get protein from animals, dairy products, and veggies. These are discussed below –

  1. Animal Protein

Animal Proteins such as Meat, Eggs, and seafood contain high protein.


Seafood, fish, and salmon are very keto-friendly. Seafood is mostly carbohydrate free. Besides, these include Selenium, Potassium, and vitamin B. You can often eat seafood. According to research by eating seafood heart disease can be reduced.

Meat and Poultry

Fresh Meat and Poultry have zero carbs. Meat contains vitamin B, High-quality fat, and some essential minerals. It helps in the low-carb keto diet. It aids in preserving muscle mass.


Eggs contain high-quality protein. Eggs are the ideal food for Keto. Because one egg contains 1 gram of carb and 6 grams of protein. You should consume whole eggs instead of egg whites as egg yolk is full of nutrients.

2. Dairy Products

There are some dairy products that are keto-friendly. These contain high-quality protein.


Cheese is high in saturated fat. 28 grams of cheddar cheese includes 6 gm of protein, 1 gm of carb, and calcium. Cheese also contains CLA which helps to improve body composition and lose fat. Some keto-friendly cheeses are-

Cheddar Cheese

Blue Cheese

Cottage Cheese


Plain Greek Yogurt

Plain Greek Yogurt is a highly nutritious food. It contains high protein. Yogurt is a wholesome food. It helps to decrease appetite and also promotes weight loss. You will be full after the plain greek yogurt.

Unsweetened Plant-Based Milk

There are a few unsweetened plant-based kinds of milk that are healthy and helpful in the keto diet. They are- Almond milk, soya milk, and coconut milk.

You should select the unsweetened version. Because the sweetened version is not keto-friendly and leads to weight gain.

You must know about oat milk facts. Sweetened and Unsweetened both oat milk has a high quantity of carbs. So, you must avoid it.

3. Vegetables

One of the best food on the keto list is Leafy vegetables. It has high protein and low carb. Besides, vegetables also contain vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants.

Keto-friendly vegetables such as – a green salad of lettuce, spinach, and Herbs like- sage, basil, oregano, thyme, dill, etc. We are listing down some keto-friendly vegetable list in the following-







4. Nuts and Seeds

Nuts and Seeds have high nutritional value. It has low carb and high essential fats. The habit of eating nuts and seeds frequently helps to lower heart risk, cancer, fatigue, depression, and chronic diseases. The best Nuts and seeds for Keto are-


Chia seeds



Macadamia Nuts

In spite of protein, and vitamins nuts includes a high amount of fiber. Hence, it makes you feel full for a long time and reduces the quantity of calorie intake.

5. Oils and Fats

There are several oils and fats for ketogenic cooking. But the best fats and oils are described below.

Olive Oil

Olive oil contains pure fat. Olive oil contains monosaturated fat and antioxidants which reduces the risk of heart disease. It has no carbohydrates. It is great for the keto diet. It can be used in salad dressing. Besides olive oil, coconut oil, and avocado oil.

Butter and Ghee

Butter has a low quantity of carbs and Ghee has no carbs. Butter and ghee are not harmful. Not regularly but rarely you can use it.

So, here we shared What can you eat on a keto diet? Previously we shared The complete ketogenic diet for beginners your essential guide to living the keto lifestyle, and The Keto Diet Principles for Beginners. Now we will go to the Bottom line of this article.

The Bottom Line

In the respect of The complete ketogenic diet for beginners your essential guide to living the keto lifestyle, you have learned The Keto Diet Principles for Beginners.

We have shared the food items that you can eat on your keto diet. The Keto diet has been proven beneficial for weight loss, a healthy body, switch signs of metabolic syndrome.

It also reduces insulin requirements in type 2 diabetes. So, if you have any symptoms like this, or you want to lose weight and healthy body then begin a Keto diet. If you liked our article feel free to share it with your friends and family. Scroll down to know Frequently asked questions about Keto.

FAQs: The complete ketogenic diet for beginners your essential guide to living the keto lifestyle

How do I live a keto lifestyle?

To live a keto lifestyle you should maintain some basic rules. These are- Reduce Carbs, Refined sugar, Increase High Protein, and Select Healthy fats in your diet.

Is Rice good for keto?

Rice is not keto-friendly food. It has a high amount of carbs. So, Rice is not good for Keto.

What kind of bread is keto-friendly?

Cloud Bread or Oopsie Bread has a very low amount of carbs. So this is keto-friendly.

What fruits to avoid on keto?

Fruits such as Apples, Dates, Mango, Bananas, Grapes, and Raisins should avoid in Keto.

how much fat should I eat on keto


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