Can Dogs Eat Avocado?

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let's find out whether dog can eat avocado or not

Avocado is known as Persia Americana. It is a shining, expensive green fruit with a large pit and dark leathery skin.

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Avocado Flesh is very fatty. It is a Calorie-dense food. 1OO gm of Avocado contains 160 calories.

Avocado pit, leaves, and stem skin all are poisonous to your Dog. As it contains Persin. So, Dogs can eat only Avocado flesh.

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Avocado oil is rich in vitamin E and omega-3 fatty acids. Both the ingredients are super beneficial for your dog’s health.

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Avocado oil does not contain persin. It is referred as to the most non-toxic for your dog’s health.

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The skin of Avocado is full of a large amount of Persin. Persin is a fungicidal toxin found in avocados.

So, it would be better to keep away your dog from the Avocado plants. If your dog eats it kindly keep an eye on the dog for 48 hrs.

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If your dog’s appetite decreases, vomits or diarrhea happens,s or any deterioration of health causes report it to your veterinarian. It is better to avoid giving Avocado skin to your dog.

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The Pit of Avocado means the seed of Avocado. The pit is the most significant ball-sized part found in the middle of the Avocado. 

It is poisonous as it contains persin. Another dangerous cause is Pit can be choked through your dog’s throat. The pit can be stuck in the intestinal tract of your dog and can cause a major issue.

Only you can feed a small portion of Avocado to your Dog. Sometimes there can be seen as many adverse reactions in your Dog.

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If Dog consumes avocado in big portion then they may suffer from Diarrhea, Vomiting, less appetite.

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After eating an Avocado, if any adverse reactions arise then go to the veterinarian as soon as possible.

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