How to Care for Mums in a Pot?

Good day pals! Are you looking up How to Care for Mums in a Pot? and How to keep mums healthy then you have dropped on the right platform? Read thoroughly, this article will satisfy your curiosity about taking care of mum plants.

Primarily, look closely at what mum plants are? “Chrysanthemums” are called “Mums” or “Chrysanths“. They are flowering plants of the genus Chrysanthemum in the family “Asteraceae“. They originated from East Asia and China and are native to North Eastern Europe.

Mum plants have been cultivated, for over 2500 years. Now there are over 5000 varieties of mums in Europe. There is the various color of mum plants available.

How to Care for Mums in a Pot?
How to Care for Mums in a Pot?

But the most common colors for mums are Red, Purple, Orange, Yellow, white and pink. Here we learned the origin of Mums and the varieties of mums. Next, we are enumerating How to Care for Mums in a Pot?

How to Care for Mums in a Pot?

Previously, we got a basic idea about mum plants’ origin, name, and color. Now, we get to know How to Care for Mums in a Pot?

A pot of blooming mums prepends indoor or outdoor beauty to your home. Mum’s color depends on the season. The flowers bloom for some weeks in the Autumn. They are obtainable in hundreds of colors. Let’s discuss the essential points of How to Care for Mums in a Pot?

  • Repot the bought mum
  • Supply adequate moisture
  • Place at a bright light area
  • Planting
  • Planting Time
  • Fertilizing
  • Cut off while whizen
  • Winter Protection

Below, we are discussing the above-mentioned points elaborately. Take a look.

Repot the bought mum

After buying mum flowers with a pot from the nursery, the first thing, you should do after coming home is repotting the bought mum into another large pot.

Repot the bought mum
Repot the bought mum

Generally, mums are root bound, so repotting of mum helps to surge the length of mums show. It would be beneficial for the plant as the soil can retain sufficient water in it.

Supply adequate moisture

Mums(Chrysanthemum) flowers need a high amount of moisture. Regularly keep an eye on the plant.

Supply adequate moisture
Supply adequate moisture

If the top 1 inch of soil gets dry, immediately water it to supply adequate moisture to the soil as well as the plant. Mum plants persistently like moist but not sloppy soil.

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Place at a bright-light area

Place the potted indoor mum plants nearby a window. Make sure that, the plants get bright sunlight in the morning and the afternoon shade.

Place at a bright-light area
Place at a bright-light area

If your home doesn’t have that type of area, place the potted mum, in the morning sunlight for a minimum of 5 hrs. After that, place the pots in the afternoon shade.


Plant the mum plants in rich fertile soil. Make sure that the soil should be highly organic. Otherwise, the mum plants will not bloom perfectly.

Planting Time

You can plant the mum plants in any season. But, if you are planting mum plants as a perpetual, plant them in early spring or Autumn.



You should fertilize the mum plants assorted times a year. All-purpose balanced fertilizer you should use. To protect the mum plants from premature greying feed them at the time of vegetative growth.

Cut off while wizen

Always keep checking the mum plants. When the plants get wizen, then cut off the waste part. It is very crucial to pinch off the plants in the Spring.

When the mum plant grows to 6″, cut 2-3″ off every branch. Don’t cut off after summer, as the mum plant starts to develop flower buds. These will be beneficial for the plants to bloom and grow rapidly.

Winter Protection

Mum plants can easily survive in a cold climate or a light frost. But, a heavy frost can harm/kill the roots in the pots forever.

Shift your mum plants to a safer place so that hard frost can not kill them. Cover the roots with newspaper to protect them from hard frost.

So, here we have shared Closely, How to Care for Mums in a Pot? Succeedingly, we will describe the types of mums.

How to keep mums healthy: Types of Mums Flowers

There are numerous types of mums available in the world. But, here we are canvassing some Gorgeous types of mum flowers. Let’s check out what they are.

  • Single blooms
  • Anemone
  • Pompons
  • Quilled blooms
  • Spider blooms
  • Reflex and incurve blooms
  • Decorative blooms
  • Candid
  • Clara Curtis
  • Emperor of China
  • Sunny Morning

Now, we are going to share all details about the different varieties of mum’s flowers below. Let’s find it out.

Single blooms

Chrysanthemums are the most famous flower in the world. In case of popularity, it is in the 2nd position to the Rose flower.

Single blooms
Single blooms

Single blooms are one of the mum flower species. It typically looks like daisy flowers. Just like Daisy, the center of single bloom mums is a yellow color, and the petals are white color.

The main difference with Daisy is the center is a little larger than the daisy. Mum’s petals are positioned equally. Occasionally, one petal grows in one stem, with a maximum of times single-bloom mum plants grow in a bunch. Example: Daisy and Amber Morning.


Another type of mum is Anemone, acknowledged by the National Chrysanthemum Society. Anemone mums have one or more uniform rows of petals with raised cushion-like centers.

Anemone mums grow a minimum of 4 inches high. These mum flowers are great for the show. Example: Mansetta Sunset and Daybreak.


Pompons are one of the most famous mum flowers. This flower is referred, to as pompons because it looks like the pompons that the cheerleaders use.


If the pompons are small, then they are called button mums. Pompon flowers are of various colors like- green, purple, and yellow. These mums can be used in sprays. Example: Small Wonder and Baby Tears.

Quilled blooms

Quilled blooms flowers’ petals look like quills. The petals of quilled blooms are biconcave.

The flower’s petals are open-tipped. Examples: Matchsticks and Muted Sunshine.

Spider blooms

Spider blooms have long petals which look like spider legs. Spider Mums are a bit different.

Spider blooms
Spider blooms

They are of different colors. Like- Yellow, and White. Spider mums each petal is coiled at the tip. Example: Cremon and Anastasia.

Reflex and Incurve Blooms

Reflex and incurve blooms mum flower petals not positioned uniformly. Incurve types flex upward and form a ball, while reflex petals curve down and look like flattened balls.

Reflex and Incurve Blooms
Reflex and Incurve Blooms

Petals of incurving and reflex mums bend either inward or outward. Erratic incurve mums have gigantic heads, and the petals are of dissimilar measures providing a more informal look.

Decorative Blooms

The Decorative Blooms are also called Florist Mums. It is another type of Chrysanthemums.

Decorative Blooms
Decorative Blooms

The embellishing sort of Decorative Blooms differs in measure.


Candid is a gorgeous variety of mum flowers. It is a rare type of mum flower. It has deep red color petals with golden color tips. The Candid mum flowers are a great prospect to enhance the beauty of your garden or home.

Clara Curtis

Clara Curtis is a famous type of Chrysanthemum flower. Its color is pink with raised yellow color. Clara Curtis has quite a fragrance. It grows up to 18-24 inches.

Emperor of China

The emperor of china is a rare mum flower. It grows up to 3-4 inches. It effuses a light lemony fragrance. The Emperor of China has white petals with pink edges and white centers.

Sunny Morning

Sunny Morning mum flowers have bright yellow color petals. It grows up to 14 inches. The sunny morning mum blooms in the mid-season of early fall and late fall. It looks like a bushy type.

So, previously we got to know How to Care for Mums in a Pot? Here are the most famous and gorgeous Types of Mums Flowers. Next, we will share how to keep mums healthy.

How to keep mums healthy

Before, we learned How to Care for Mums in a Pot and the Types of Mums Flowers. Now, we will suggest to you some tips on How to keep mums healthy.

We all are fascinated by the beauty of mums indoors, in the garden, and the store. But, it is depressing when you notice after a couple of weeks that they no longer look beautiful.

The mums become brown, and the buds dry after taking proper care. Below, we are giving some protection tips for mums.

  • Select a healthy and firm plant
  • Repotting the plant after coming home
  • Place the plant in a sunlit area
  • Shift to a shady corner
  • Deadhead the worst part

Now, we are elaborating on the above-mentioned points closely.

Select a healthy and firm plant

Selecting a healthy and firm mum plant is the crucial and foremost part of mum planting. Search for only deep green color healthy leaves with more buds.

Avoid purchasing plants with open blooms. Ask the store manager about the new shipment of mum plants. Skip buying old plants.

Repotting the plant after coming home

After coming back home, the first thing you need to do is repotting the mum plant to a bigger one. Most plants purchased in containers are tightly rootbound.

It makes the roots bend and the soil hard. Lose it and hydrate the Soil with adequate watering for blooming effortlessly.

Place the plant in a Sunlit Area

Mum plant needs a minimum of 5-6 hrs of morning sunlight. So, place the mum plant in a sunlit area. It will give the plant proper nourishment to bloom.

Shift to a shady corner

If the weather report displays lots of hard sunlight and the temperature is high, then shift the plant to a shady corner. If you are staying in a hot country, then, make sure that the plant doesn’t get hard sunlight.

Deadhead, the worst part

As soon as the flowers start to fade or brown, pinch off the worst part. This process is called Deadheading. It will double up the blooming process.

We already learned, How to Care for Mums in a Pot. These are the essential tips on How to keep mums healthy.

Are potted mums perennials

Some potted florist mums are available in the market. They look similar to hardy garden mums. Their botanical name is also the same. The botanical name is Chrysanthemum morifolium. They are Perennials. Garden mums are also called Hardy mums. They are perennial.

Chrysanthemum tea recipe

We can take Chrysanthemum tea. It has various health benefits. Now, we are sharing the Chrysanthemum Tea Recipe here.

Chrysanthemum tea recipe
Chrysanthemum tea recipe

Step 1: To make Chrysanthemum Tea, First Take a pan and boil filtered water in it as per your requirement.

Step 2: After boiling water takes a teapot. Put a few chrysanthemum flowers in it.

Step 3: Now, pour boiled hot water into the teapot and cover it with a lid.

Step 4: Let it steep for a minimum of 5 minutes.

Step 4: After 5 minutes, your chrysanthemum tea is ready. Strain the flowers and serve in cups.

Now, you know how to make Chrysanthemum

Health benefits of chrysanthemum flower tea

Chrysanthemum flower is not used only for decoration. Chrysanthemum tea has numerous health benefits you can’t imagine. So, let’s find them out below.

  • Aid in Deep Relaxation
  • Chrysanthemum Tea Promotes Weight Loss
  • Beneficial for good heart health
  • Useful for healthy skin

Here, we are enumerating the Health benefits of chrysanthemum flower tea.

Health benefits of chrysanthemum flower tea
Health benefits of chrysanthemum flower tea

Aid in Deep Relaxation

Chrysanthemum works excellently as a cooling agent. It cool down body temperature. If, you have fever, then chrysanthemum tea can relieve you from high temperature.

The tea controls the blood pressure level. In this way, Chrysanthemum tea aids in deep relaxation.

Chrysanthemum Tea Promotes Weight Loss

Chrysanthemum tea consists of vitamin B, that aids in fat burn. Besides this, the herbal tea amplifies the digestive system. So, when you take Chrysanthemum tea without sugar, it promotes weight loss.

Beneficial for good heart health

Researches showed that, Chrysanthemum tea regulates the blood sugar level. With the lowering of blood sugar level and cholesterol level the tea can be a precautionary measure for various types of cardiovascular diseases. Such as heart attacks and strokes. Thus, Chrysanthemum tea is beneficial for good health.

Useful for healthy skin

Chrysanthemum tea is loaded with beta-carotene. After taking the tea the beta-carotene divided into vitamin A in our body. The vitamin A acts similarly as anti-oxidants. Hence, it helps to reduce premature aging, wrinkles, redness, irritation, psoriasis etc.


Finally, we are concluding, the article How to Care for Mums in a Pot? In this article, we deeply discussed How to Care for Mums in a Pot and outdoor. Along with this, we shared the gorgeous types of mums flowers, How to keep mums healthy.

Besides this, we canvassed potted mums’ perennials, Chrysanthemum tea recipe and Health benefits of chrysanthemum flower tea.

So, gardening lovers and health freak persons will be much benefitted, from this post. We hope we can satisfy their quench of mum planting through this blog post. Excluding them, everyone will get benefits from the article.

If you have any thoughts, kindly share them in the comment box below. If you liked our post, then feel free to share it with your family members, and friends. Now move to the FAQs section below.

How to Care for Mums in a Pot? : FAQs

How long do potted mums last?

Once you have planted the potted mum, take care of the plants for at least 8 weeks. If you get hardly any warm days, and thereafter, a few cold days, then, you can store the mum at your house or garage till the weather gets cooler.

Do potted mums need full sun?

Potted mums need 5-6 hrs morning sunlight daily. But, if the sunlight gets harder, then shift them to the shady area.

How do you care for potted fall mums?

Daily water the plants to give the soil adequate moisture. Place in morning sunlight for about 5-6 hrs., and pinch off the dried part to bloom effortlessly. Don’t overwater the plants, and avoid placing them in hard sunlight.

Can mums survive the winter in pots?

Mums can survive in a light frost. But, hard frost, can kill them. During hard frost, bind the roots with newspaper or shift them to a safer place.

How often should I water my potted mums?

Water the potted mums daily in an adequate amount. Don’t overwater them. Try to water them 1 inch per week. Water at the soil level, don’t water at the top of leaves.

When should I buy fall mums?

You should buy, fall mums in mid-September. If the summer gets longer up to mid-September, then, buy it in October. Gardening experts suggest that the best buying time is when mums start to develop buds.

How long do mums last outdoors?

In pleasant weather, you can keep the mum plants outdoor for 4-6 weeks. If it gets too warm or too cold then, shift the plant to a safer place or wrap the roots with newspaper.


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