Black Tea may help your Health later in Life Study

Black Tea originated in China. There the beverage’s name is hong chaBlack Tea is also decoded as Red Tea in various East Asian languages. Black Tea may help your Health later in Life Study says.

It is a kind of tea that is more oxidized than oolong, yellow, white, and green teas. Black tea is typically more robust in flavor than other teas. Today, the drink is across-the-board throughout East and Southeast Asia, both in consumption and harvesting.

Black tea is widely spread in China, Japan, Korea, and Singapore. Equivalent variants are also available in South Asian countries. In this article, we will enumerate Black Tea may help your Health later in Life Study, Black tea vs Green tea, Black tea benefits, Black tea benefits skin, and Black tea benefits for hair. Kindly, scroll down to read about all of these.

Black Tea may help your Health later in Life Study

A warm cup of tea at your cozy place may appear to heal the soul. A recent study discovers that a cup of black tea may help your Health later in Life.

According to the study published Monday in the Annals of Internal Medicine, consuming two or more cups of black tea a day can decrease the risk of death on all grounds.

Black Tea may help your Health later in Life Study
Black Tea may help your Health later in Life Study

If you’re not a tea-drinking habituated, then you can add different foods to your diet.
The primary key in Black tea is flavonoids. It can be found intrinsically in many familiar foods and beverages such as Green tea, Nuts, citrus fruit, Apples, etc.

According to the research of Edith Cowan University (ECU), consuming Black tea may be even more useful for us than earlier thought. The Heart Foundation started an analysis of 881 elder women (age group of 80). Black Tea may help your Health later in Life Study says.

There are many different kinds of flavonoids, such as flavan-3-ols and flavonols. The study revealed that these also have a connection with AAC. According to the cohort’s study, Black tea was the major origin of total flavonoids and was associated with extremely lower probabilities of extensive AAC. 

It discovered that, if they ingested a high level of flavonoids in their diet, they had fewer risks, to have a comprehensive build-up of abdominal aortic calcification (AAC). The biggest artery in the body is AAC.

AAC is the calcification of the abdominal aorta. It supplies oxygenated blood from the heart to the abdominal organs and lower limbs. It is a clairvoyant of cardiovascular risks, such as heart attack and stroke.

ECU Nutrition and Health Innovation Research Institute researcher and study lead Ben Parmenter said many foods consist of flavonoids but some have high amounts of flavonoids. Which are not good for health.

Those who had drunk Black tea had less possibility of having expansive AAC. According to Parmenter who don,t consume black tea and intakes high flavonoids from other foods also seem to safeguard against extensive calcification of the arteries.

Parmenter also said that Black tea is not the only source of Flavonoids. In some countries, young people may not take Black tea to get flavonoids.

Abdominal aortic calcification (AAC) is a feature of subclinical atherosclerotic disease and a separate predictor of succeeding vascular morbidity and mortality. 

This analysis demonstrates consumption of flavonoids, could guard against AAC. These can be effortlessly attainable in most people’s diets. Scroll down to know about Black tea vs Green tea.

Black tea vs Green tea

The two most reputed categories of tea are Black tea and Green Tea. Both teas are made from the leaves of the Camellia sinensis plant.

If you are a tea-lover then you must have tasted these two. And if you are a newcomer to the tea world then you must have heard about black tea and green tea.

Black tea vs Green tea
Black tea vs Green tea

Processing difference between Black tea and Green Tea

The fundamental distinction between the two is that black tea is oxidized and green tea is not.

Black tea and Green tea is distinct from one another on the basis of the processing method and the level of oxidation they experience. Green tea experiences lesser oxidation and Black tea experience higher oxidation.

After harvesting, the green tea leaves are immediately heated by steaming or pan-firing. It is done to arrest the oxidation technique.

With minimal oxidation, the green tea remains with bright green color. In the case of Black tea, after harvesting it is oxidized to the highest level. It is oxidized until the leaves turn brown or black.

Origin of Black tea and Green tea

Black teas are mainly cultivated in China and India, with some popular sorts such as Assam, Darjeeling, and Golden Yunnan. Few other Asian countries, such as Nepal and Vietnam, also deliver Black teas.

Whereas, Green tea is specially grown in China and Japan. Methodically, black or green tea can be cultivated anywhere. If they are given proper care and temperature they can blossom in any region. But, historically, they belong to different regions and cultures.

Distinct Variation

Black tea and green tea both are cultivated from the same plant. But, they are often made from different variations of Camellia Sinensis.

Green tea is mainly cultivated from camellia Sinensis var. Sinensis. Whereas, Black tea is produced from camellia Sinensis var. Sinensis or camellia Sinensis var. assamica. It mainly grows in India.

Different Brewing process

Brewing Black tea

Firstly take 8 ounces of water n a pan. Boil the water up to 200-212 F. Then take 1 teaspoon of loose black tea leaves and place it in a teacup. Add the boiling water on top of it.

Let it steep for 3-5 minutes. Then strain the leaves with a strainer. And your black tea is ready to serve or drink. You can add optional flavorings as per your taste. Such as lemon, honey, or milk.

Brewing Green Tea

Heat water to 80-85ºC/176-185ºF, not boiling.
Pour the hot water into your tea cup. Then add green tea leaves to the water. Let it steep for 3-5 minutes. Strain the tea leaves. The green tea is ready to serve or drink.

So, the difference between both tea brewing is to make Black tea boiling water is needed. Whereas only warm water is needed to make Green tea.

Difference in taste

Black teas are rich, reddish copper-colored drinks. It has a strong flavor. Indian black teas are extremely robust, while Chinese black teas are softer but strong. Green teas tend to be lighter and mild. Green teas may be a pale golden color to a rich green.

Level of Caffeine

Black teas and Green teas consist of different caffeine levels. Black tea contains high caffeine. Whereas, Green tea has a low level of caffeine. Few black teas like Wakoucha are low in caffeine.

So, we have shared almost all the important differences between Black tea and Green tea. Scroll down to read about Black tea benefits.

Black tea benefits

Black tea is loaded with antioxidants. It delivers multiple advantages. It improves heart and gut health and lowers “bad” LDL cholesterol, blood pressure, and blood sugar levels. Scroll down to know all Vlack tea benefits.

Black tea benefits skin

There are multiple Black tea benefits for skin.  Black tea contains a high amount of Antioxidants and Phytonutrients. This help in eradicating the toxins from our body and the skin’s recovery method begins. Let’s jump to the detailed discussion of Black tea benefits skin below.

Black tea benefits skin
Black tea benefits skin
  • Antiageing effects of Black tea: Black tea is loaded with Antioxidants and polyphenols. These ingredients are well-known to slow down the early signs of skin aging. To obtain the antiageing effects of Black tea you should Drink or use tea bags for your face. It protects our skin from wrinkle formation.
  • Black tea Stimulates Collagen production: Black tea aids in reducing inflammation and stimulates collagen production in our skin. Collagen makes our skin firm, smooth, and blemish-free.
  • Black tea fades out Blemishes:
  • You can suffer from serious confidence problems with your skin blemishes. You can use black tea to fade out skin blemishes. Herbs are always better for our skin. They are safer than the market-bought harsh chemicals and potent drugs. Black tea could be one of those herbal drinks.
  • In an analysis, scientists discovered that black tea had a skin-whitening effect.
  • Besides, black tea has antioxidant properties, clearing out the toxins that cause blemishes. You can use a clean cotton ball and dip it in the cold black tea and dab on the blemishes, or you can drink it.
  • Black tea protects skin from sunburn: The foremost reason for skin pigmentation, skin cancer other skin issues is UV radiation. Recently, experts found that the habit of drinking black tea daily may aid in shielding our skin.
  • They also discovered that it also decreases the risk of skin issues. Besides, consuming black tea controls our skin damage and irritation. You can consume black tea or can topically use it on your face.
  • Black tea Regenerates and Rejuvenates the skin: One Experiment was done in a Malaysian lab on black tea in rats. In the rats, black tea extract is used on their wounds, and it promotes healing at a high rate.
  • The extract also reduces inflammation, and irritation and increased collagen production. Do not apply black tea directly to your wounds.
  • However, you may drink it to get all the advantages. Black tea helps to regenerate and rejuvenate our skin from the inside out.
  • Black tea reduces black circles and puffy eyes: Black tea consists of flavonoids and tannins. It has antioxidant and anti-inflammatory outcomes.
  • Black tea contains caffeine which aids in tightening the blood vessels in the tissue around your eyes and also decreases inflammation.
  • Hence, Black tea reduces black circles and puffy eyes. You may drink black tea and apply it under your eyes.

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Black tea benefits for hair

Apart from skin benefits Black tea benefits hair also. To know How black tea benefits hair kindly scroll down.

  • Black tea controls hair fall: Research found that black tea contains caffeine, that reaches hair follicles to block dihydrotestosterone (DHT).
  • DHT is a hormone correlated to hair loss in people with a condition known as androgenic alopecia. Consuming black tea helps in controlling hair fall. 
Black tea benefits for hair
Black tea benefits for hair
  • Black tea promotes hair growth: Black tea has high amounts of antioxidants and caffeine. Both aid in providing healthy scalp and hair roots. Thus, black tea promotes Hair Growth and thickens hair.
  • Black tea makes hair shiny and healthy: Black tea flushes out all toxins from our body and makes our hair healthy. The high amount of antioxidants in black tea makes our hair shiny, glossy, and lustrous.
  • Black tea functions as a Natural dying agent for hair: Black tea has a tanning agent. It functions as a Natural dying agent for hair.
  • Hair pack: In a bowl mix henna and black tea liquor and make a paste. Apply the mixture all over the hair and scalp thoroughly. After drying wash off with shampoo.

Black tea Health Benefits

Black tea has numerous health benefits. These are discussed below.

  • Antioxidant Properties: Black tea is rich in antioxidant properties. If you drink black tea daily then it helps to rid of free radicals and reduces cell damage.
  • Black tea contains anti-oxidants like polyphenols, that boost overall health. Consuming antioxidants help to get rid of chronic diseases.
Black tea benefits
Black tea benefits
  • Promotes Heart Health: Black tea contains another type of antioxidant called Flavonoids. These are useful for good heart health. Besides black tea, we can obtain flavonoids from fruits and vegetables, dark chocolates, and wine. It lowers her risk.
  • Black tea reduces bad LDL cholesterol: Our body of two types of lipoproteins that transmit cholesterol to our full body. One is low-density lipoprotein(LDL) and the other is High-density lipoprotein(HDL).
  • LDL cholesterol is considered bad. Because it transmits cholesterol to cells of the whole body. It causes deposits in the arteries called plaques.
  • Which leads to heart attack or stroke. HDL cholesterol is considered good. Because it transmits cholesterol away from the cells and secures healthy heart health.
  • Researchers found that Drinking Black tea helps in reducing LDL cholesterol by 4.64mg/dL. Hence, Black tea restores our heart health also.
  • Black tea promotes gut health: Black tea contains antioxidants called polyphenols. It may support the preservation of a healthy gut. Black tea promotes the growth of good bacteria and inhibits the growth of bad bacteria.
  • Black tea aids in reducing blood sugar levels: Black. Black tea may help manage blood sugar levels. According to a study in 2017, drinking black tea with a sugary beverage reduce blood sugar level significantly.
  • Black tea is good for liver: Black tea is the most popular drink in the world. Black tea contains theanine. Theanine can prevent liver damage from alcohol. It is often found in reports that Black tea can prevent fatty liver. Often it is found in reports that Black tea can prevent fatty liver.

Therefore, we shared black tea health benefits, Black tea skin benefits, and Black tea benefits for hair. Consequently, we will jump to the bottom line.

The Bottom Line

Black tea is an efficient beverage. We discussed how Black Tea may help your Health later in Life Study shows. We shared the differences between Black tea and Green tea in the Black tea vs Green tea segment.

We also confabulated Black tea benefits, Black tea benefits skin, and Black tea benefits for hair. Kindly read through the article about all these topics. Kindly scroll down to know some unknown FAQs related to Black Tea that may help your Health later in Life Study.

FAQs: Black Tea may help your Health later in Life Study

Does black tea help you live longer?

According to an investigation by the US National Institutes of Health, People who consume 2 or more cups of Black tea daily have a 9-13% less risk to die from any disease.

Does black tea have any health benefits?

According to recent studies, Black tea has several health benefits. Such as Increasing antioxidants, reducing sugar levels, and promoting heart health and gut health. Besides, black tea benefits to skin and hair.

Is black tea a Superfood?

Tea is considered a superfood. As there are tons of health benefits. linked with consuming tea. Black tea is one of the superfoods, as it has multiple health benefits as well as skin and hair also. Read our article to know more.

Is black tea anti-inflammatory?

Black tea includes theaflavin. It is a polyphenol that is accountable to reduce inflammation and promote overall health.


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