World Food Day is an International Day celebrated annually on the 16th of October. It is one of the most celebrated days in the UN Calendar. On this day, over 150 countries converge to raise cognition of the issues regarding poverty and hunger.
World Food Day
World Food Day is celebrated by many other associations with the issues of hunger and food security, consisting of the World Food Programme, the World Health Organization, and the International Fund for Agricultural Development.

The primary focus of this day is that food is an essential and fundamental human right. World Food Day 2022 is dedicated to accentuating food and agriculture with numerous global challenges, including the COVID-19 pandemic, Inflation, dispute, climate change, and climate change. As we were given the brief idea of World Food Day now we will move to the World Food Day: Theme.
World Food Day: Theme
The theme of World Food Day 2022 is ‘Leave NO ONE behind’.The post-pandemic impact still affect all in 2022 in many ways. Such as the consequence of armed conflicts, increasing inflation and climate-changing risks have put a negative impact largely on the economies of almost all countries across the world.
Consequently, these issues have harshly affected food safety across the globe. Specifically poor and developing countries are largely affected.
Hence, the main criteria are to construct an endurable world where everyone gets the permit to avail enough nutritious food in the Globe and no one should be left behind. In this way, the theme for World Food Day 2022 has been selected as ‘Leave NO ONE behind.’
As a global community, everyone has a duty toward the nation in bringing forward those who are left behind. We can do it by generating our food production strategies more inclusive and sustainable with the association of governments, private companies, and civil society.
The theme in 2014 was The World Food Day theme was Family Farming: “Feeding the world, caring for the earth” was the theme in 2015.
In 2016 the theme was “Climate is changing. In 2020 the theme was “Grow, nourish, sustain. Together. Our actions are our future. In 2021: “Safe food now for a healthy tomorrow” was the theme.
Consequently, we will share the History and Significance of World Food Day.
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History and Significance of World Food Day
World Food Day was established in November 1979, as per the guidance of the former Hungarian minister of agriculture and food Dr. Pal Romany. Since then it has been celebrated every year to honor the anniversary of the founding of FAO.
The event gradually became a conveyance to boost awareness about hunger, malnutrition, sustainability, and food production across the Globe. There are some facts behind the celebration of World Food Day. Let, ‘s discuss it below.
World Food Day facts
October 16 is the World Food Day. The main focus of food Day 2022 is to raise awareness regarding Hunger, and malnutrition and to provide food to all. No one should be left behind. The facts regarding World Food Day are below-
- Nearly One in eight people around the world is malnourished. On the other hand, 1.9 billion individuals in the world are overweight.
- Besides producing enough food, according to the United Nations, 820 million people suffer from hunger or are malnourished. Whereas, 155 million youngsters are severely underweight.
- In spite of dengue, malaria, and other diseases people are died due to Hunger.
- Every five seconds, a child dies from a hunger-related disease. It is very disappointing news.
- According to UNICEF, around 3.1 million kids die from malnutrition annually.
- The expenditure of malnutrition on the international economy is equal to USD 3.5 trillion a year.
- The survey showed that 1/3rd of the gross produced food of the world is wasted.
- Hence, the calculation depicts that, the world needs to produce 60% more food to fulfill world hunger or malnutrition by 2050.
- It is a sad fact, that climate change mainly affected adversely the Agricultural sector.
- Hence, the required amount of production is not happening.
- FAO performs especially in rural areas, in 130 nations. They work with governments, civil society, and the private sector to acquire #ZeroHunger.
It is also our duty to eliminate hunger from this world with daily little human habits. Eradicating hunger is a global action, which can be helped by individuals, communities, etc.
We should not waste our food, discovering creative ideas to provide food to starving inhabitants.
We also need to improve the system of food security in rural areas. So, these are the facts behind the celebration. Now, we will share What is the importance of Food day?
What is the importance of Food day?
World Food Day is the key factor to eradicate all food and hunger-related crises. Which have been raised mainly due to climate change.
The main aim to celebrate the day is to promote food safety and the availability of healthy foods to everyone around the World. The importance of Food Day is discussed below.
Raise Awareness regarding Hunger
Nearly One in eight people around the world is malnourished. According to UNICEF, around 3.1 million kids die from malnutrition annually. Every five seconds, a child dies from a hunger-related disease.
World food day can aid to raise awareness regarding hunger issues. It also helps to assure food security and the availability of healthy foods for all.
A gentle reminder that Hunger can be eradicated
Our World is producing sufficient food for all. But, according to the United Nations, 820 million people suffer from hunger, malnourished. Whereas, 155 million youngsters are severely underweight.
But, the survey showed that 1/3rd of the gross produced food of the world is being wasted. Hence, celebrating Food Day is a Gentle reminder that Hunger can be eradicated.
Mindful Eating and save food waste
Food is one of the basic necessities of our life. Sometimes we eat food more than required as it helps to promote happy hormones in our bodies. Thus often we order more food than we require.
Hence, the extra food is wasted. We celebrate World food day as a gentle reminder to eat mindfully and avoid food waste. As millions of people are dying from Hunger, we should consider the issue and make our eating habits with mindfulness. Next, we will describe the World Food Day events of 2022.
World Food Day events
This year World Food Day 2022 events were celebrated on 16 October in Rome. The theme was “leave no one behind,” amid a deteriorating global food safety concern. The events being discussed below-
- In Rome, the inauguration of World Food Day was inaugurated through an exhibition. It commenced with displaying photographs from space.
- The photos were spotlighting the consequences of the climate change crisis. These were taken by European Space Agency astronaut and FAO Goodwill Ambassador Thomas Pesquet.
- World Food Day is celebrated with the FAO’s Food Heroes and the recipients of the FAO Awards.
- The first-ever such honor was given to the Kirisia Community Forest Association (CFA) in Kenya, for their successful restoration of the Kirisia forest.
- The FAO co-organized events were held to raise awareness about the global crisis relating to hunger.
- It will resume taking center stage in the coming week, with the second edition of the World Food Forum, which includes the WFF Global Youth Forum, and the FAO Hand-in-Hand Investment Forum.
So, at the conclusion of this article, we could understand what is World Food Day, Its theme, History, and significance. We also learn the facts about food day and about all food day events this year.
In spite of that, we discussed What is the importance of Food day? We hope everyone can understand the significance of food day and get all information. If you liked the article please feel free to share it with your friends and families.
What does World Food Day celebrate?
World Food Day is celebrated annually on October 16th. On this day, more than 150 countries join to raise awareness of the topics regarding poverty and hunger.
Who introduced World Food Day?
Ex-Hungarian Minister of Agriculture and Food Dr. Pal Romany recommended the establishment of World Food Day in November 1979. It is observed in more than 150 countries around the world every year on 16th October.
What is the theme of World Food Day 2022?
The theme of World Food Day 2022 is “Leave NO ONE behind”. Check our article to know more.
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