Vitamin D, Defeciency, Symptoms, Benefits and Supplements


Vitamin D is also referred,  as “calciferol. It is a fat-soluble vitamin, naturally  found in a few foods, and as a dietary supplement. 

We can obtain vitamin D naturally, from Sunlight daily. Human body is required vitamin D, in building and maintaining healthy bones. 

Green Curved Line

Vitamin D deficiency It is a typical Vitamin deficiency that generates disorders with our bones and muscles. Anyone may suffer from vitamin D deficiency, i


Vitamin D deficiency  Infants, children and adults may have vitamin D defeciency. But it mostly affects the people over age of 65 and darker skin individuals.


Vitamin  D deficiency symptoms – Bone pain – Muscle weakness – Difficulty in walking – Hair loss – Depression Loss of appetite – Tiredness

Vitamin d Benefits 1. Vitamin D supports in the development of healthy bones and teeth. 2. It aids the body to absorb and retain calcium and phosphorus. 3. Decrease cancer cell growth

4.Vitamin D supports in controling infections and lessens inflammation. 5. Vitamin D reduces the risk of Multiple Sclerosis (MS). 6. Stops hair fall.


Vitamin D Supplements Vitamin D supplements are naturally regarded safe if taken in appropriate dose. Nevertheless, overdose of vitamin D is risky.


Vitamin D Supplements .Kids of age 9 years, adults, and pregnant women who take vitamin D more than 4,000 IU a day might undergo Sickness and vomiting.


Vitamin D in Food – Cod liver oil. – Dairy products – Sardin – Tuna fish – Orange juice fortified with vitamin D – Red meat – Egg yolk