Weight loss through yoga morning ritual is an Ultimate Strategy to attain weight loss with typical yoga postures, wholesome breakfast, setting goals, and some breathing techniques.
Hello all, are you inquisitive to know the process of Weight loss through yoga morning ritual and the Benefits of Morning Yoga then you are at the right place. Indeed I will explore the process of yoga morning ritual but before that, we need to know about Yoga. Do we need it? Let’s discuss.

The word Yoga is procured from the Sanskrit root ‘Yuj’, meaning to join, connect, or unite. Yoga was first mentioned in Rigveda. Sage Maharshi Patanjali systemized the existing practices of Yoga. Yoga is an art that balances our mind body and soul.
It is a process of consolidation of meditation and breathing that calms our mind and increase body awareness. Here we learned the basic idea of Yoga, In the next, we will narrate What is a Yoga Morning Ritual.
Weight loss through yoga morning Ritual Podcast
Previously we discussed the definition of Yoga. Now, we need to know What is a Yoga Morning Ritual. There are different types of morning rituals and yoga form fitness morning ritual we know. These are some disciplined practices after waking up in the morning.
These rituals help us to release all our stresses and get focus on our goals or work. When we add yoga to our morning ritual it will be more beneficial to kick start our day with perfect efficacy. This is called Yoga Morning Ritual.
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Steps of Yoga Morning Ritual
As the topic is weight loss through the yoga morning ritual, the yoga morning routine consists of the following steps
- Meditation or deep breathing
- Yoga Postures
- Set Goals
Currently, we are talking over the above points. How we can do meditation or deep breathing, yoga postures, and set goals in our daily yoga morning ritual. These are as follows.
Meditation or deep breathing
Meditation is an approach to expanding the consciousness of the present moment. We commence the technique through deep breathing.

Inhale positivity and exhaling all the negativity is the key factor of Meditation or deep breathing. It includes chakra healing, and meditation through affirmations, mindfulness, zen meditation, kundalini yoga, etc.
Yoga Postures
- The next step is Yoga Postures. There are countless yogas or yoga postures or yoga form fitness morning ritual to lose weight productively.

- These are – Hatha Yoga, Chaturanga Dhanurasana, Virabhadrasana, Sarvangasana, Trikonasana and many more. You can practice any of these yoga postures to lose weight.
Set Goals
After doing meditation and yoga our body, mind, and soul become fresh, energetic, and focused. At this moment we are ready to set our goals of work daily or weekly.

- In a notebook, we set our daily or weekly to-do activities. Thus hectic schedule can be simplified easily and productively.
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Utilization of Yoga as a Weight Loss Ritual or Weight Loss Routine
Preceding we got to know what is Yoga, what is yoga morning rituals and the existing steps of Yoga Morning rituals. Now we will serve you how Yoga can be utilized as a Weight Loss Ritual or Weight Loss Routine.
Yoga for weight loss for beginners
We know numerous yoga postures exist in the world. But if you are a beginner in yoga and want to lose weight then you should practice some specific yoga poses and yoga form fitness morning ritual. These yoga poses are for beginners. Let’s discuss it here.
- Cat-Cow Pose
- Chair Pose(Utkatasana)
- Bow Pose(Dhanurasana)
Therefore in the next, we will share how to do the above beginners’ friendly yoga poses. We will also discuss how they are beneficial for our weight loss also.
Cat-Cow pose
- The cat-Cow pose is a conversion of two poses: cat pose and cow pose. It is a simple warm-up yoga pose.

- Take a yoga mat. Begin with a cat pose inhale by bringing your head up and curving your lower back like a cow pose.
- Then exhale deeply and bring down your head inward and your abdomen is like a cat. Repeat a few times more.
- The cat-cow pose provides a great stretch to your spine and strengthens your spine and abdominal muscle. It is also a great beginner yoga to lose belly fat as well as weight loss.
Chair Pose(Utkatasana)
- Another pose for Weight loss through yoga morning ritual is The chair pose. It is also referred to as Utkatasana. Stand straight on your yoga mat. You can start this pose by placing your feet and knees together.

- Slowly inhale by your arms up and sit back down as if you are sitting on a chair. While doing it you should transfer your body weight to your hips and heels.
- Stay in that position for a few seconds. Then exhale and come back straight by inhaling again.
- The Chair pose yoga strengthens the calf muscle, hip flexors, and ankles. Besides, that tones the leg muscles and loses weight by serving overall well-being.
Bow Pose(Dhanurasana)
- Firstly lie down on a mat on the support of your stomach. Place your hands at your sides with palms up and chin up.

- Bend your knees and hold your feet with your both hands backward. Inhale as you draw your thighs upward and breathe softly while holding both feet with your hands. Then release.
- Bow pose helps to decrease belly fat and tones the abdominal muscle.
Weight loss through yoga morning ritual: Morning Yoga Poses For Weight Loss
In this article, we are confabulating Weight loss through yoga morning ritual. In the previous point, we discussed Yoga poses for weight loss for beginners.
Here we will share Morning Yoga Poses For Weight Loss that anyone can practice. Let’s move to the main topic.
- Child Pose(Balasana)
- Dog Pose(Adho Mukha Svanasana)
- Locust Pose(Salabhasana)
- Warrior pose(Virabhadrasana)
- Morning Sun Yoga or Sun Salutations(Surya Namaskar)
- Intense Leg Stretch Pose(Prasarita Padottanaasana)
- Extended Triangle Pose(Utthita Trikonasana)
- Chaturanga Dandasana(Plank Pose)
- Garland Pose(Malasana)
- Bridge Pose(Sethu Bandha Sarvangasana)
Now is the time to discuss the above yoga poses closely. We will put light on the step-by-step techniques of these yoga asanas.
We will also share how the morning yoga poses help with Weight Loss. Let’s analyze all of these below. So that anyone can do Weight loss through yoga morning ritual.
Child Pose(Balasana)
- Child Pose is also known as “Balasana”.
- Kneel on your yoga mat on your knees. Keep your back straight and thighs apart (6-12inches) is suitable for you.
- Bend forward your both hands back towards your feet. Downward your head towards the mat and touch your chest on your thighs.

- Inhale and Exhale Slowly and deeply.
- The Child’s Pose help to strengthen your spine and hip muscles. It detoxifies our body by reducing stress and also decreasing abdominal fat. Hence, Child Pose helps in Weight Loss.
Dog Pose(Adho Mukha Svanasana)
- Dog Pose is also known as “Adho Mukha Svanasana”. The downward dog pose is one of the sequences of Sun Salutation.

- At first bend over both arms on the mat. Your hands should keep shoulder-width apart by tucking your toes gently under. Press your arms on the mat. Hold this position for a few seconds and inhale-exhale deeply.
- Dog Pose strengthens the arms, legs, and spine. It increases blood flow to the brain. It also helps in Weight Loss.
Locust Pose(Salabhasana)
- Locust Pose is also referred to as “Salabhasana” or “Grasshopper Pose”. “Salabha” means “Locust” and “Asana” means “Pose”. Locust Pose looks like a Grasshopper.

- Lay over the mat on your stomach. Rest your forehead on the mat. Now while inhaling slowly raise your head and both legs toward the ceiling or sky.
- Hold your body in this position for a few seconds. Then release your head and legs by exhaling and come down to the mat.
- Salabhasana is considered one of the best asanas for Weight loss through the yoga morning ritual. The pose stretches and strengthens the back and core muscles.
- It improves spinal cord flexibility. Locust post helps in overall weight loss.
Warrior pose(Virabhadrasana)
- Warrior Pose is also known as “Virabhadrasana”. It is one of the yogas of Power Yoga. Start from the downward-facing dog and step one foot ahead while placing it firmly between your hands.

- Inhale and stretch your hands to the sky. Keep your back foot at a 45-degree angle. Take the support of the ankle for your front knee.
- Squeeze the muscles in your back leg. It will keep your foot intact to the floor. Relax your shoulders and breathe. Come back straight by exhaling.
- This yoga pose helps to flatten the abs. Warrior pose also strengthens the core muscles and aids in weight loss.
Morning Sun Yoga or Sun Salutations(Surya Namaskar)
- Morning Sun Yoga or Sun Salutations is also referred to as “Surya Namaskar”. Sun Salutation is the all-in-one yoga pose for Weight loss through yoga morning ritual.

- The Sun Salutation consists of 12 yoga poses. It is best for weight loss. You can burn more calories by practicing 30 minutes of sun salutation than by doing 30 minutes of walking. One Sun Salutation burns roughly 13.9 calories
- The 12 sun salutation yoga poses are -Prayer Pose, Upward Salute, Standing Forward Bend, Low Lunge, Plank, Knees-Chest-Chin, Cobra, Downward facing dog, Low Lounge, Standing Forward Bend, Upward Salute, and Prayer Pose.
Intense Leg Stretch Pose(Prasarita Padottanaasana)
- Another name for Intense Leg Stretch Pose is “Prasarita Padottanasana”. Stand in Mount Pose facing the mat. Based on your height step your foot wide apart.

- Place your hands on your hips. While breathing in open your chest to the sky and while breathing out bring your hands to the floor. Fingertips should be aligned with your toes.
- This yoga posture firms the feet and makes our ankles more flexible. It also increases muscle strength and tones body muscles and loses weight.
Extended Triangle Pose(Utthita Trikonasana)
- Extended Triangle Pose is also referred to as Utthita “Trikonasana”. From the mountain pose, step your feet 3 to 4 feet apart. Now raise your arms parallel to the floor and reach them towards your sides with extended shoulder blades.

- Slightly forward your left hip and expand the tailbone to your back heel. Place your right hand on the floor outside your right foot.
- Extended Triangle triggers your core muscles, reduces stress, and strengthens spine and leg muscles. Overall It is beneficial for weight loss.
We are discussing here how varieties of yoga pose help us in Weight loss through yoga morning ritual. So, let’s carry on the topic as there are a few more yoga poses to know.
Plank Pose(Chaturanga Dandasana)
- Plank Pose is also known as “Chaturanga Dandasana” or “Four-Limbed Staff Pose”. Start from a plank pose as shown in the picture on your yoga mat.
- Start with your hands under the elbows and place your elbows under your shoulders. Now exhale and roll forward on your toes.

- Then bend your elbows until your arms build a 90-degree angle. Look forward and balance your body parallel to the floor. Hold yourself in this position for 30 seconds or as per your strength.
- Plank Pose helps in aligning our full body. Increases arms, wrists, shoulders, and core strength. It also reduces belly fat and loses weight.
Garland Pose(Malasana)
- Garland Pose is also known as “malasana” or “squat pose”. At first stand straight on the mat. Place apart your thighs more expansive than your torso and hands on your heart.
- Bend your knees, rotate your toes out, and slightly lower down into a squat. Bring your elbows inside your knees. Keep your hands in a prayer position.

- Press your knees with your elbows. Keep your spine straight and down your shoulder blades. Down your hips toward the floor. In this position hold your breath for a few seconds.
- After that exhale and come back straight. Garland Pose is super beneficial for stimulating your digestive system. It regulates blood circulation to your core muscles. This helps in weight loss.
Bridge Pose(Sethu Bandha Sarvangasana)
- Bridge Pose is also known as “Sethu bandha Sarvangasana”.
- Firstly lie down on your mat on your back. Now bend your knees. Keep your feet flat on the mat by keeping your hip apart. Place your arms alongside your body by facing palm down.

- Gently press your feet onto the floor. Breath in and raise your hips. Press down into the arms and shoulder to raise the chest.
- Hold your body in this position. Breath out and come back your hip to the floor.
- This pose increases the strength of core muscles and the spine. It relieves back pain and also loses weight.
Therefore we learned about 13 yoga poses. We also got to know the techniques of the yoga poses.
Apart from that, we shared how they are beneficial for Weight loss through yoga morning rituals. Succeeding we will discuss how morning yoga is beneficial for our health except for weight loss.
Benefits of Morning Yoga
Previously we shared the definition of a Yoga morning ritual, the steps of a yoga morning ritual, and the utilization of yoga as a weight loss ritual. Now we will confabulate the Benefits of Morning Yoga.

- It Eliminates morning muscle stiffness naturally
- Releases last-day tensions and pressures
- Triggers and Releases Happy Hormone
- Regulates Breathing
- Balances hormones
- Self-Care Time
- Improves Digestive System
- Magnify Focus and Concentration
- Eliminates Caffeine
Besides Weight loss through yoga morning ritual, there are countless benefits of morning yoga. Yoga is enormously beneficial for our body, mind, and soul. Here we will discuss the points below. Let us jump to that point without wasting time.
It Eliminates morning muscle stiffness naturally
Due to work pressure, and lack of time we can not practice yoga or exercise all the time. Lack of activity or motion makes our body muscles weaken day by day.
Yoga is a physical activity. Performing morning yoga regulates blood circulation all over the body. Thus all body joints loosen up.
In spite of that yoga stretches our body muscles and limbs. Hence Morning Yoga eliminates muscle stiffness naturally.
Releases last-day tensions and pressures
When we go to bed at night our mind chatters for whole days pending work or any tension. Those tensions and pressures we carry forward to the next day.
Much Scientific research proved that yoga reduces the stress hormone cortisol. It releases tensions, pressures, and anxiety.
Whereas Morning Yoga releases our last day’s tensions and works pressure early in the morning. Hence we can kick off our day with a fresh mind.
Triggers and Releases Happy Hormone
In research in 2012 students of yoga found that Morning yoga induces endorphin levels. Endorphine is a happy hormone.
When we do yoga our body triggers and releases happy hormones in our body, thus we feel more relaxed and relaxations bring happiness to us.
Regulates Breathing
From the ancient ages, Yoga has introduced breathing techniques. The breathing Technique is specifically known as Pranayama.
Pranayama is a part of Yoga. Regular practice of Yoga makes us master regulating breathing.
Breathing Regulation also regulates and balances our physical, mental, and psychological wellness. Overall Yoga or morning Yoga restores our Respiratory System through the regulation of breathing.
Balances hormones
Morning Yoga has innumerable benefits. It not only gives us relief from stress, and anxiety but also balances our hormones.
Morning yoga controls and manages adrenal and cortisol hormone levels in the body. It corrects hormonal imbalances. Apart from this Yoga upgrades the menstrual cycle in women.
Self-Care Time
In this modern age with a hectic work schedule, we do not get self-care time. Morning Yoga is one of the best therapies for Self-Care.
Yoga promotes inner peace. It gives clarity of mind. Yoga also eliminates feelings of loneliness. Relationships with others are also improved by Yoga.
Morning Yoga promotes oneness feelings. Despite it deepens the relationship with self. In this way, Morning Yoga manages to give us Self-Care Time.
Improves Digestive System:
From the above description, we already learned that Yoga is good for our total wellness. Another benefit of Morning Yoga is it improves the digestive system.
Yoga promotes blood circulation in our whole body. It improves gut contractility. Yoga also cures all types of digestive issues naturally.
Magnify Focus and Concentration
We got to know that Yoga improves the digestive system, regulates blood circulation, relieves stress, and balances hormones.
Thus Morning Yoga promotes blood circulation to the brain. Increased level of blood in the brain receives more oxygen than before.
Hence Yoga increases vigilance and focus of the brain. It also elevates the concentration and memory power of our brain.
Eliminates Caffeine
Tea, coffee, and nicotine are external stimulants. Intake of this caffeine keeps us going in our work with energy.
But, we all know that caffeine is very bad for our health. Surprisingly Morning Yoga helps to release favorable hormones in our body system.
These hormones stimulate our pituitary, thyroid, and parathyroid glands. In this way, Yoga decreases the intake of caffeine externally. This is an excellent sign for our overall health.
The main topic of this article is Weight loss through yoga morning ritual. We shared how yoga helps in weight loss. In the above point, we also discussed the other benefits of Yoga.
In the next, we will elaborate on the rules of the yoga morning ritual. Let us know the rules here.
Rules of Weight loss through yoga morning ritual
If you want Weight loss through yoga morning ritual then you need to follow some rules. These are as follows.
- Stability and responsibility
- Chose the Ritual that you Love
- Maintain a balanced Morning Yoga Ritual
- Relax and go for a healthy breakfast
Now we will tell you how some simple rules make you lose weight effectively. Let us discuss the rules of Weight loss through yoga morning ritual.
Stability and responsibility
The first and foremost rule of Weight loss through yoga morning ritual IS Stability and Responsibility. You need to pick a specific time for yoga in the daily morning. Then it is your responsibility to maintain the stability of Yoga Practice. Thus you will get visible results.
Chose the Ritual that you Love
In this article, we have narrated so many rituals. Some yoga morning rituals are beginners friendly and some bit tough. Now you need to choose some of them what you love or what can you do.
Maintain a balanced Morning Yoga Ritual
Start your yoga ritual through deep breathing. Then do some warm-ups. Up next yoga poses as per your body needs. Finish the morning yoga ritual with relaxation techniques. In this way, your Morning Yoga Ritual will be maintained with a balance.
Relax and go for a healthy breakfast
Succeeding in your Morning Yoga Sit Down and relax for some time. Then go for a healthy breakfast as per your body’s needs.
So, here we elaborated on the basic and indispensable rules of weight loss through yoga morning ritual. Now you will get to know some healthy breakfast recipes for weight loss.
Healthy Breakfast Recipes for Weight Loss
The above description gave us a crystal clear idea of the rules of Weight loss through yoga morning ritual. Now we will share 2 Healthy Breakfast Recipes for weight loss. These are –
- Peanut butter with oats recipe
- Protein Pancake Recipe
These 2 recipes will surely help you in your weight loss journey. Let us know how to make these.
Peanut butter with Oats Recipe:

- Ingredients: 1 cup rolled Oats, 1 cup of milk, 1 Tbsp peanut butter, 1 Tsp of maple syrup, 1 tsp of chia seeds or almonds(optional).
- Process: At first in a mixie jar take all the ingredients one by one. Close the lid of the mixie jar and gives it a grind-mix. It will make a fine smoothie. Pour it into a bowl with toppings chia seeds or almonds(optional).
Protein Pancake Recipe
- Ingredients: 1 Egg, 1 cup oats, 1 scoop protein powder, 1/3rd cup milk, 1/4 cup plain greek yogurt, 1tsp of baking powder, 1 tsp cinnamon powder, 1 tsp vanilla extract.

- Process: In a mixie jar blend all the above ingredients. Take out the paste. On a pan in medium heat place some batter and when it bubbled up flip it. Here your protein-packed pancake is ready.
Therefore, you got 2 healthy breakfast recipes for Weight loss through yoga morning ritual. You can add this recipe to your weight loss journey.
The Bottom Line
Finally, we have come to the bottom line of Weight loss through yoga morning ritual. In this article we have described the definition of Morning Yoga Ritual, Morning Yoga Poses For Weight Loss, and Benefits of Morning Yoga.
Apart from that we also shared utilization of yoga as a weight loss ritual, rules of weight loss through yoga morning ritual, and healthy breakfast recipes for weight loss. So, I hope this article will be the most important part of your weight loss journey. Below we will discuss some FAQs of weight loss through yoga morning ritual.
Weight loss through yoga morning ritual: FAQs
Can doing yoga in the morning help you lose weight?
Yes, Weight loss through yoga morning ritual is possible. Yoga is a worthwhile implement that aids in weight loss. It is a process of consolidation of meditation and breathing that calms our mind and increase body awareness. There are different types of yoga you can do to lose weight. To know in detail check our article.
What morning ritual will help you lose weight?
Waking up early in the morning, after freshening up practice deep breathing. Then do some yoga postures, and stay hydrated.
Thereafter eat a healthy, high-energy breakfast specially made for weight loss. You will get in detailed idea of yoga postures, and weight loss breakfast recipes from our article.
Is yoga an effective way of losing weight?
It is proven that yoga is an effective way of losing weight. It Eliminates morning muscle stiffness naturally, Releases last-day tensions and pressures,
Triggers and Releases Happy hormones, Regulates Breathing, Balances hormones, and Self-Care Time except for weight loss. Check our article to know more about yoga.
Can 30 minutes of yoga help you lose weight?
The Sun Salutation consists of 12 yoga poses. It is best for weight loss. You can burn more calories by practicing 30 minutes of sun salutation than by doing 30 minutes of walking.
One Sun Salutation burns roughly 13.9 calories. Check our article to know more about yoga poses.
Which type of yoga is best for weight loss?
There are many yogas that help in weight loss. Like – Child Pose(Balasana), Dog Pose(Adho Mukha Svanasana), Locust Pose(Salabhasana), Warrior pose(Virabhadrasana), Morning Sun Yoga or Sun Salutations(Surya Namaskar), and many more. Go through our article to know about all yoga poses that help in weight loss.
Which time is best for yoga for weight loss?
The best time for yoga for weight is early in the morning. Practice on an empty stomach to get fast visible results.
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