Why do we feel guilty when we miss a daily workout?

Have you ever wondered Why do we feel guilty when we miss a daily workout? When you miss your daily workout, your body stops inducing happy hormones like serotonin, and dopamine which makes you feel bad. This is the reason you feel guilty.

According to Dr. Ratey, when you exercise, your body induces different happy hormones like serotonin, dopamine, norepinephrine, and endocannabinoid. These hormones make you feel good.

Why do we feel guilty when we miss a daily workout?
Why do we feel guilty when we miss a daily workout?

Conversely, your body will start to enter reverse mode when you miss your daily workout. Some people feel regretful when they miss workouts daily because of not sticking to a strict regimen. In this article, we will discuss Why do we feel guilty when we miss a daily workout?

How to overcome the guilt of missing a workout day, What happens if you miss a day of exercise? How to stop feeling guilty about taking rest days from exercise and lots more. Scroll down to know more.

Why do we feel guilty when we miss a daily workout?

There are three reasons behind feeling guilty about missing a daily workout. They are Scientific, Emotional, and Physical Reasons.

The scientific reason is- when you exercise, your body begins to induce some happy hormones like – serotonin, dopamine, norepinephrine, endocannabinoid, etc.

The emotional reason is- Some people are very particular about their daily routine. So, if they miss their daily workout by any chance, they feel guilty because they are unable to maintain their routine.

The third reason is related to physical. Workout makes you fit, energetic, and healthy. When people miss their workout body and mind feel less energetic.

For this reason, some people feel guilty. Now we should overcome the guilt of missing a workout day. But how? Scroll down to know more.

How to overcome the guilt of missing a workout day

Consistency is the greatest way to achieve the goal. But, consistency in the daily workout is quite challenging. But, for many reasons, you have to miss your workout.

Recently, during the lockdown people were not able to go to the Gym. So, almost everyone missed their gym workout. Besides, due to bad health conditions, you may miss your workout.

In the meantime, you might miss your workout and feel guilty about it. There are a few healthy ways you can adopt to overcome the guilt of missing a workout day. Take a look below.

How to overcome the guilt of missing a workout day
How to overcome the guilt of missing a workout day
  1. Pardon Yourself

Skipping an exercise can make you feel a guilty conscience when you are very strict with your daily workout routine. At that moment, you have to learn to pardon yourself first.

Learning to pardon yourself is not that easy but you have to. You need to feel that too much hatred for yourself is not beneficial for your health. In this way, you are wasting your time and setting yourself back.

You require to stick to your healthy fitness routine in the long run you have to forgive yourself and come back with more confidence than before.

2. Recognize your weaknesses

When you begin to feel guilty, skip it and shift your thinking to recognize your weaknesses which led you to miss your workout.

Check what made you skip your workout. Recognize the points and note down which make you delay reaching your goal. Then rectify your weaknesses.

3. Never try to make up

Often people misstep when they miss their workout they try to reimburse for it. They do more exercises with more intensity. Try to remember that your body is not a machine.

You can harm your body with extra activities and intensity. Consequently, your respiratory system, muscle mass strength, and hormonal balance may fall at risk. So, to avoid all these you need to accept your mistakes and missed work out with peace.

4. Divide workout time into parts

If you have a hectic work schedule and fixed a specific time for your workout then it would create more pressure on you.

So, to cut off tension and pressure divide workout time into parts. In this way, you can do your workout full of mindfulness which will help you to achieve your goals easily.

5. Give a break in your workout

We all know consistency is the key to success. But, if you work out hard daily without any breaks it can harm your body later. It can make miss your workout for many days at one chance due to bad health conditions.

Then you will feel more guilty. So, give break from your workout, go on a small trip, have fresh air, and spend quality time with yourself. These small breaks will make you more productive and you can begin your exercise more proficiently than before.

6. Meditation

When you are missing your workout rather than feeling guilty start doing Meditation. It will release all negative thoughts from your mind and give you peace. It will also give you mental clarity to understand your mistakes and how to rectify them.

Here, we discussed the 6 ways How to overcome the guilt of missing a workout day. Scroll down to read How do I stop feeling guilty for missing a day at the gym?

How do I stop feeling guilty for missing a day at the gym?

Firstly you need to change your Viewpoint. When missing a workout makes you feel guilty and afraid, then you have become a slave to your fitness routine.

It will not be going to give you good results for your body and mind in the long run.
To continue your workout routine happily and independently you need to de-stress about it.

Be conscious. Notice, what your body and mind are telling to you. You can feel what time you should work out and at what time you need to take a break.

It is nice to listen to your body and rest when you feel you need to. In the end, you can understand that Mental Health is more crucial than Physical Health. So, now you know how to stop feeling guilty for missing a day at the Gym.


What happens if you miss a day of exercise?

Do not think that way, you are missing a workout. Think in a positive way that your body is at rest, and your body requires it from time to time. If you are a lifter your muscles get micro-tears for daily workouts.

When you take rest, your damaged muscles begin to heal, and as a consequence, your muscles become more prominent. If you work out lightly, not a lifter, you still need to leave.

It will never damage to take a break for a while. It will give you extra power and energy to come back to your fitness routine than before with lots of positivity. Now it’s time to jump to the conclusion of this article.

The Bottom Line

In the Bottom line, we can say that it is an article about Why do we feel guilty when we miss a daily workout? People have many myths about the missing workout. They feel guilt, try to overcome it, or get depressed often.

So, here, you get to know the 6 easiest tricks on How to overcome the guilt of missing a workout day. Besides, you can learn How to stop feeling guilty for missing a day at the gym? and What happens if you miss a day of exercise?

Whoever facing depression and is guilty of missing workouts can go through our article and know how you can control your guilt and how much significant to miss workouts often.

We hope you will like our article. If you liked it feel free to share it with your friends and family. Now take a look at FAQs related to this topic.

FAQs: Why do we feel guilty when we miss a daily workout?

Why do I look fatter but weigh less?

Your body weight contains the mass of your body fat and a fat-free mass, or lean body mass – your muscles, bones, organs, and water. A very natural chance is that when you detect that you are losing weight but look fatter, there is a high probability that you only lost water weight or muscle mass or both.

Why do I feel fat if I don’t work out?

According to Goldsmith, “your metabolic rate is increased for about 36 hours after the activity as your body is trying to recuperate the strained muscles”. Some strength training makes you hungrier when you take a rest, and eat an extra amount of food. This extra food is stored in your body, thus you feel fat if you don’t work out. To know more go through our article on Why do we feel guilty when we miss a daily workout?

How much rest do you need for fat loss?

No matter how much consistent you are with your fitness routine, you have to take rest. Because your body needs to take rest. For fat loss or weight loss, you need to take rest at least 2 days a week. To know more about working out check our article on Why do we feel guilty when we miss a daily workout?


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